Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It's the crackling of the fire, the warmth of flames, the simple comfort of the stone fireplace, which highlight our evenings, which over the years have become treasured times of comradery, friendly jokes, and memories shared.

By MIKE TONTIMONIA   This year’s crop of whitetail fawns is on the ground but they aren’t the only new things that might interest Ohio deer...

Ever wonder where that walleye or channel cat came from? Was it born in a hatchery in Ohio or another state?

By MIKE TONTIMONIA   Father’s Day in this house is usually minus Dad due to an annual Canadian fishing trip that always seems to happen over...

In the mid-1980s, Lake Erie’s declared title of Walleye Capital of the World was already well established and undisputable. Those were times when the...

When it comes to the sport of fishing, Kent, Ohio, can lay claim to lots of hometown fame, but none more lasting or more significant than a small bug created by William H. Schumman.

The first shot from a new rifle is always a lesson in feel, sound, and result.

They are the sparkle in a hunter’s eye, possible the only reason he or she hunts. The topic of conversation at every gathering. They...

By MIKE TONTIMONIA Although Ohio has but one major natural lake, the Buckeye ranks high in recreational boating. Of course that one major lake is...

Neither outfitted DIY or guided game hunts promise success. If they do, be cautious.