Rain, rain, come again!
Jim Abrams shares the lasting effects of droughts on wildlife and their habitats.
Squirrels, kids, dogs and dads
Jim Abrams shares a squirrel hunting story from his youth and shares tips for choosing a good squirrel hunting dog.
What makes a frog a true frog?
Jim Abrams writes about what makes a frog a true frog and what makes one a fake.
Dove season — beginnings and endings
Jim Abrams offers words of wisdom to hunters preparing for Ohio's upcoming mourning dove season.
Fire in the wildlands
Jim Abrams dispels the misconception that all woodland fires are bad and provides evidence of the benefits of prescribed burns to manage woodlands.
Plotting for the future
Jim Abrams provides tips for beginners to convert part of their property into a food plot and habitat for wildlife. Planning ahead can save time and money.
Smoke on the wind
If you enjoy American history, shooting, historic arms and good friends, you may want to learn more about the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association.
The role of wildlife officers
Jim Abrams highlights the importance of wildlife officers being present at conservation club events.
Yesterday’s tomorrow
Jim Abrams ponders the special meaning behind the things sportsmen and sportswomen pass down from one generation to the next.
Waddles, snoods and backwoods bearded ladies
Jim Abrams offers a recap of Ohio turkey season, and explains the meaning of a turkey beard and phenomenon of it occurring on both male and female turkeys.