Want to move to Yukon? Canada offering land to homesteaders
Farming in Canada's Yukon territory offers many challenges, but also offers high heaps of hope for adventurous souls.
Fluorocarbon fishing line the way to go
Remember fluorocarbon? Yep, it is a preferred fishing line of the present and future and here’s why.
Dog training in the heat of summer
Off-season workouts for your dog will maintain tough paw pads, loose joints, proper weight, and maintain endurance and stamina.
Bucket list has been updated and revised
Mike Tontimonia shares his revised bucket list.
Annual Iron Man Clay Bird Shoot set for July 16
Leetonia Sportsman's Association will host the Annual Iron Man Clay Bird Shoot on July 16, at the club grounds in Leetonia, Ohio, at 311 East High Street.
Top water bass fishing about to peak
This week seems to be the mid-point of summer and that means the best top water bass fishing is about to peak.
Annual outing to Lake Temagami
Mike Tontimonia details a fishing trip to Lake Temagami, located in Ontario, Canada.
60 years of fishing, friendship and fun
Every year for the last 60 years, Mike Tontimonia and a group of friends have visited the same remote Lake Temagami Island for an all-guys getaway.
Corn growers love it, but ethanol continues to cost boaters
Boaters should be aware of fuel issues that come with using ethanol as a fuel extender.
Think about applying for controlled hunting events
Don't miss the opportunity to apply for one or more of Ohio's many controlled hunts.