Saturday, January 11, 2025
sunset with ducks

Mike Tontimonia put together a package of numbers and other tiny bits of things to think about as we begin a new year of outdoor opportunity.

Mike Tontimonia details his most recent South Dakota pheasant hunting trip.
mother grizzly bear and cubs

Mike Tontimonia recalls some of his close calls with grizzly bears on trips to Alaska over the years.

According to the results released by the Ohio Division of Wildlife, hunters reported 72,814 deer killed including both bucks and does.

Physical ability, woodland experience, confidence, a compatible group, free time and expendable funds, play a big part in planning a destination hunt.
volunteer banner

If you want to really be thankful for something, be thankful for the opportunity to do something for someone else.
fire extinguisher

More than 40 million Kidde fire extinguishers equipped with plastic handles, some on the market for more than 40 years, have been recalled.

The holidays are prime time for adding a sporting dog to the family, but a hunting dog and its owner have to play well together to reach their potential.
venison storage

How the work is done is key to a nice batch of prime venison.

Hunters, trappers and anglers try very hard to do the right thing and stay within the rules. See if you can pass today's hunting quiz.