Searching for elusive salmon in Lake Ontario
The king salmon, who call Lake Ontario home, are the fastest growing and the most muscled, sitting at the top of the underwater food chain.
Trap shooting offers practice and fun
Test your skills, try trap shooting to brush up in time for hunting season.
Ashtabula walleye fishing is hot, hot, hot
Walleye fishing success in the deep central basin water due north of the Port of Ashtabula is well ahead of the usual late summer action.
Vacationing away from the hustle and bustle
Mike Tontimonia and his wife have been visiting Nags Head for more than 20 years, with the best being the weeks they rented cottages right on the beach.
Hunter’s dream: Where are the caribou?
Caribou used to be a big game hunter's dream, but something has changed. Nowadays, you hardly hear the word caribou spoken. Find out why.
5 tips to consider before buying a used boat
BoatUS, a national organization representing boat owners at all levels, has assembled a top five list of the most often faced issues by boat buyers.
Fishing trip included missing soap and big catch
Mysteries challenged this year’s Canadian fishing crew. Find out what Mike Tontimonia's big catch was and who made off with the soap.
Two Ohio state fish records are broken
The Ohio record state record fish list continues to be challenged, as potential record fish are submitted by skilled and/or lucky anglers.
Appalachian Trail hiker is halfway home
David Defer, a mid-20s backpacker, reported that he had already passed the 1,294-mile marker, the exact half-way point of the Appalachian Trail.
Salmon and trout hanging on the edges
Mike Tontimonia recaps his recent experience fishing the Niagara region of Lake Ontario.