Saturday, September 7, 2024
Ohio corn

Favorable growing weather continues, putting downward pressure on prices.

The planting reality is that we caught up this week in good weather, and if the sun shines and we get a little rain on time, we will continue to expect big crops.

Factors outside markets seemed to be helping grain prices: the weak dollar, the high crude price, the Libyan situation were all cited as reasons for high prices. And now, the focus of the world is on Japan and the catastrophe there.

Avian flu is one more negative working against the grain prices.

One thing grain markets have done the last few months is exhaust the supply of superlatives used to describe them. What do you use...

I can only talk about the March 31 USDA Planting Intentions Report so many times. It will soon be old news, but it is...

When the weather broke, U.S. farmers did what they are good at doing, which is running day and night when they can, and sleeping next winter. The results were mixed, and a little confusing to the markets.
harvesting corn

In grain marketing, the history that sometimes repeats is the history of bad marketing decisions. When will we learn?

Soybean prices on the Chicago Board of Trade adjusted Monday, May 19, to the Double Whammy of planting progress and Argentine news.

According to Marlin Clark, the big question when grain buyers meet is simple: where is the corn? Find a full update on grain prices in his column this week.