Friday, March 14, 2025

December corn prices made new all-time highs for eight days in a row.

Continued flooding, especially in Iowa, has the market focusing on the size of the corn crop and traders taking prices to new all-time highs....

With planting caught up, the traders on the Chicago Board of Trade are switching their attention to the condition of the crop. In recent...

Soybean prices on the Chicago Board of Trade adjusted Monday, May 19, to the Double Whammy of planting progress and Argentine news.

Planting progress improved dramatically in the U.S. last week. That was the news out after the close of trading on the Chicago Board of...

Rain patterns across the Midwest have seriously delayed plantings, and have jerked around markets.

April 28, corn futures on the Chicago Board of Trade were up nearly 23 cents, the soybeans were down 42 and a fraction, and the wheat futures were up more than 25 cents.

One thing grain markets have done the last few months is exhaust the supply of superlatives used to describe them. What do you use...

A simple definition of volatility in the grain markets would be the rate of price change over time.