Grain prices looking for direction after tumble
If the planting pace continues and we have a warm and moist May, we will see new grain market lows in corn.
Ugly correction may be in progress in grain markets
Some observers are speculating that corn futures could be 3.50 at harvest. Yep, you read that right: $3.50.
Grain marketing: Strike while the iron’s hot
Regardless of the fickle nature, good sales opportunities, for both old and new crop grain, are lurking.
Sideways grain markets give no clues
I am looking for lower prices. The farmers want one more shot at $7 corn. They should not bet the farm they will get it.
Soybeans continue to lead grain market
I consider this a good selling opportunity. We got scared by the break, and regretted not selling before it.
Market Monitor: Looking for direction in a snowstorm
When you live in Ashtabula County for a lifetime, you have snowstorm stories. The day I called Deerfield and said I wouldn’t be in...
Happy grain market for the New Year (hint, you might want to sell)
Thank the market for the bounce and get some grain sold.
Discouraged bulls look for direction in grain market
The grain marketing ship is rudderless this month, as fundamental news is mostly absent and meaningless.
We’re entering the hope-and-change grain market
For some soggy Ohio farmers, the rain means no corn harvest progress may be made now until the ground freezes.
MF Global breakdown dominates Chicago grain market talk
MF Global declared bankruptcy Oct. 31, curiously just after an audit that did not discover the discrepancies that existed deep in the bowels of this futures-trading and debt instrument-trading giant.