Grain markets need some hope
Poor conditions persist, especially for Ohio growers.
In Ohio, facing the poorest grain marketing circumstances
In Ohio, we have the worst combination of grain marketing circumstances this year — a poor crop in a good crop year (for everyone else).
The daunting market prevails
Our crops have improved, but from poor to fair.
Priceless advice for cheap prices
Grain prices drop even lower, but Aug. 12 crop production report will help tell us where we're at.
Grain markets and the Monday morning upchuck blues
Grain producers everywhere are saying, ‘Please, Lord, give me another rally; I will know what to do this time!’
Prices moderate on better weather: Future prices are taking wild ride due to crop...
It is hard to be a poor-producing state in a good year.
Markets struggling to hold gains
Even as producers are digging in their marketing heels, the market is actually giving back some of the gains we have seen over the last month and a half.
Market takes breather after move up
The rainy weather that has plagued farmers since the middle of May took a breather the last few days. Three or four days of sunshine and warm — but not hot — weather has perked up some corn and soybean fields.
Crops are getting ugly out there
Ohio’s corn condition declined 19 percent for the second week in a row. Our fearless grain commentator, Marlin Clark, can't remember ever seeing that before.
Raw weather starting to move prices
Heavy rains are having an impact on the grain markets.