Trump immigration actions move grain markets
President Donald Trump's immigration action seems to have hit the whole nation of grain prices. Grain commentator Marlin Clark weighs in.
Traders blame Trump for lower grain prices
Grain prices were lower on the Chicago Board of Trade Monday, Jan. 23, and our new President got the blame.
MLK weekend, USDA reports help grain markets
U.S. corn prices, which have been trading somewhat independently of the beans, have not seen the gains of the soybeans, following the recent USDA report.
Corn and beans trading at unusual odds
Currently corn and beans are at odds with each other, and we are struggling to explain this.
Looking ahead: Will 2017 bring a new market?
The new year will be interesting, as markets continue to change.
Christmas prices, Christmas presents
The new year will hopefully bring some new opportunity in the markets.
Grain marketing lessons to relearn
In grain marketing, the history that sometimes repeats is the history of bad marketing decisions. When will we learn?
December snow has covered the markets
The problems in the grain markets have to do with weather in the Southern Hemisphere and the price hangover we can’t seem to recover from.
Say hello to grain market ‘Mover Monday’
The return of corn prices to the high side is exciting, but the huge crop will continue to moderate any price gains.
First blast of winter is a hard reminder
The first dose of cold weather and snow stops harvest, for a while.