Markets react to last planting effort
As planting season winds down, it looks like some corn won't get planted, and there could be additional acres of soybeans.
Market reacts to late rain patterns
The rains are continuing into June, threatening the corn crop, and markets are reacting.
Spring planting could finally be on a roll
The first part of May got off to a slow start, but drier weather could make up the difference.
Planting progress still slightly lagging
The weather has been warm, but planting progress is still behind.
Markets still stuck on USDA report
The grain markets are still focused on the Prospective Plantings Report, and some "new" news is needed.
Grain markets still adjusting to USDA numbers
No relief for crop producers: This year and next, we project growing carryout bushels and prices that do not sustain US farmers.
Looking for hope while trading the grain marketing cycle
The real fear for the new crop is that the March 31st USDA Planting Intentions Report will show a shift of corn acres to soybeans. That means we have missed the best opportunity to get some new crops sold.
Grain prices are consistent, but cheap
All three major grains traded on the Chicago Board of Trade have traded to new lows. This happened on the overnight trading, but we have had no rebound.
New name, new job, same old opinions
The company that grain commentator Marlin Clark works for has a new name, but same focus.
Will grain prices rebound after Presidents Day holiday?
From grain merchandiser Marlin Clark: We not seeing bullish grain markets, and so far we have no news to turn them in that direction.