Hard grain marketing decisions ahead
If there is good news in the current grain market, it has to be that we may be making the harvest lows on negative news ahead of the actual harvest, says grain expert Marlin Clark.
Everyone’s waiting on USDA’s Aug. 1 report
What does USDA think we will see for crop production? Everyone is waiting for the latest report on Aug. 10.
Markets continue to confuse producers
The crop and weather condition aren't exactly leading to the markets most would expect.
Weather continues to impact market prices
This week the support for corn prices is not weather worries, but the reality that the weather so far has produced a crop that is still declining in condition.
Weather woes trigger a grain market Turnaround Tuesday
Weather and crop condition pushed grain prices dramatically higher on the Chicago Board of Trade this Turnaround Tuesday morning, July 18. Corn is up 12 cents, Soybeans are up about 14, and the wheat is almost a dime higher.
Are poor crop conditions pushing prices up (or down)?
Is the current change in grain market prices a correction, or is it a reality change brought by a change in attitude or weather forecast? Our fearless grain commentator Marlin Clark weighs in.
Exciting, confusing weekend hits grain trade
Price revisions from the Chicago Board of Trade, a surprising end of week USDA crop report, and a holiday shortening up early week trading made for an exciting and confusing weekend in grain trade.
Crops improve, but prices drop
Needed rain has helped the crop condition, but the markets are going the other direction.
Hard to get a handle on grain markets
From our fearless grain commentator Marlin Clark this week: It would seem that the market is more worried about crop condition than about acres.
Conflicting weather brings price swings
Weather markets this time of year can turn on a dime. The wet weather a couple of weeks ago helped prices, as it limited the acres.