Thursday, March 6, 2025

I understand now, with perfect clarity, why some 30-something women persist in sporting mini-skirts that are far too young for them (or their thighs) and men of the same age endlessly relive their teenage athletic exploits.

On this, the occasion of my 10,000th birthday, I would like to say ... oh, OK, I'm not really 10,000 years old.

It is almost spring and the first specks of bold, new colors are sprouting among us. No, not spring flowers silly.

Look, I just don't know if I can stomach the path this nation is taking one more day. What kind of world do we live in when a down-on-his-luck panhandler has to say, "Pardon me, brother.

Nothing's wrong just as long as You know that someday I will. Someday, somehow I'm gonna make it all right But not right now.

You really need to be in tip-top shape to come down with anything nowadays. The down-and-out workout.

Don't you just hate it when worlds collide? My second-grader informed us, imperiously, that Cupid is "just a myth.

The first Girl Scout cookie was sold on Nov. 11, 1932 by a troop in Philadelphia. The girls baked cookies for day nurseries as a community service project.

You just never know when you will be tapped for greatness. On the day the play parts were passed out by the school's music teacher - a man with nerves of steel and/or really heavy-duty ear plugs - my son came bearing that slip of paper like it was the sword pulled from the stone.

Pardon my dust, but my home page is a mess. Worse yet, I'm expecting visitors. At least I hope I get visitors.