Phone times
Kymberly Foster Seabolt ponders the evolution of phones during her lifetime.
Cousins do count
Kymberly Foster Seabolt reflects on the relationship she has with her cousins. Somehow getting together with them always makes her feel like a kid again.
Grandpa’s legacy
Kymberly Foster Seabolt's late grandfather left her with a reminder that family is more than blood — it is hearts and memories bound for life.
Choose wisely
Kymberly Foster Seabolt dotes on Mr. Wonderful, reflecting on the kind of father he's been over the years, as Father's Day approaches.
Bright ideas and pandemic painting
Kymberly Foster Seabolt tackles house projects to pass time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hobbies and order in lockdown
Kymberly Foster Seabolt shares some of her quarantine pastimes.
High school graduates, the future is yours to take
Kymberly Foster Seabolt offers advice to newly minted “adults” as they move forward into the world after high school.
Virtually good grad advice
In honor of the graduates of the high school class of 2020, Kymberly Foster Seabolt has compiled a list of random graduation advice.
Masking manners
Kymberly Foster-Seabolt offers advice on how to handle comments from others on your mask or lack of mask when you're out in public.
Murder hornets and misplaced snakes
Kymberly Foster Seabolt voices her opinion on recent reports of Asian giant hornets in the United States and massasauga rattlesnakes in Ohio.