Give me ketchup or give me death
I often dreamed that once I packed my youngest child off to kindergarten, I would be free to indulge in some "me" time and become one of the much heralded "ladies who lunch.
True confessions of a First World girl
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once. Recently, my electronic planner froze up, causing me lose track of every appointment, assignment, and crucial coffee date I may have scheduled for the next six weeks.
Life Out Loud: Replaced, rejected, retired
The most dedicated servant is always the last to see the layoff coming.
One minute, you think you have the utmost in job security.
Celebrity wedding survival guide
Traditionalists who believe that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman are undoubtedly heartened by the knowledge that America's reigning queen of overexposed celebrity, Jennifer Lopez, walked down the aisle this summer for the third time.
Pride and prejudice: Geography as destiny
In the heartland of this great nation, we've apparently all entered the Witness Protection Program. Our exact locations must remain a closely guarded secret.
Back to school has mom losing her cool
It seems that our nation's retailers and I have come to a complete and utter impasse as to what "back to school" entails.
Sowing my wild popcorn
Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt does the unthinkable.
Cheer on! It’s darned hard work
Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt realizes her daughter was born to cheer.
Parents enjoy life after kids’ bedtime
Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt discovered the bliss of sending the kids to bed early. Every night.
Trendy pets: What happened to pet rocks?
Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt wonders what some people are thinking when they pick out a pet.