Friday, March 28, 2025
Judith Sutherland

Judith Sutherland


Judith Sutherland shares the story behind "You been farming long?" — the most highly recognized poster of all time.

Judith Sutherland considers the significance crossroads communities used to have in rural American, recalling the history of Eckley community.

Judith Sutherland shares journal entries from a farm boy written in the 1800s.
covered wagons

Judith Sutherland recalls all the lessons her children and their friends learn from her living room playing The Oregon Trail on their old Mac.
Little girl

Judith Sutherland recalls a close call from her childhood and reminds us that safety should always be a top priority with children on the farm.

A little bit of grace can erase invisible walls that we tend to put up to protect ourselves.

Judith Sutherland recites Alexander Smalley's journal.
child's hand

Judith Sutherland remembers her grandparents as happy and resourceful people who had very little but were rich in all the ways that count.
Ohio farmland

Renting one farm while buying another, Judith Sutherland's young parents knew that land was a precious commodity. It was worth long days and elbow grease.

Is anyone else watching "The Incredible Dr. Pol," televised on National Geographic channels? It's become columnist Judie Sutherland's winter treat.