Wednesday, March 19, 2025
cow grazing

Judith Sutherland recalls the conundrums caused by friends from town visiting and helping with farm chores.
school books

Last week Judith Sutherland attended the ribbon cutting for a brand new school complex, concluding it's an incredible, progressive step for her community.
Ohio barn

Having grown up in rural, small-town, small-church America is one of the greatest character-builder blessings of a life, according to Judith Sutherland.
brown cookies on white plastic pack

Judith Sutherland write that life doesn't require huge gestures to make an enormous difference. It is made better by caring hearts and attention paid to others when it matters most.
English Shepherd, Billy

Judith Sutherland shares a story from a log book her grandmother kept when she raised English shepherd puppies.
cowboy boots

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about an evening he enjoyed at a cowboy program.
men in milking parlor

Judith Sutherland recalls being absolutely terrified of the milk inspector during her childhood. However, one interaction changed all of that.
Andreas milking parlor

Spring cleaning takes on a different meaning for farm families. Judith Sutherland recalls the routine of preparing for the milk inspector.

A little bit of grace can erase invisible walls that we tend to put up to protect ourselves.

Judith Sutherland recalls the kindness her mother's dear friend Mrs. Mac always showed to her family.