Sunday, March 16, 2025

Rural thugs shatter peace of columnist Judith Sutherland's country living.

It's not good to color a turkey pheasant purple, and the wonderful wisdom of a 5-year-old who has entered columnist Judie Sutherland's life.

While columnist Judith Sutherland and her son Cort continue to battle the ups and downs of Lyme disease, her work has helped another patient's diagnosis.

What do you mean "cruise control" won't steer my Winnebago? Columnist Judith Sutherland shares some lawsuits that you won't believe! (Or maybe you will.)

Those who grew up on a farm often take the wonder of farm life for granted. Columnist Judith Sutherland shares some interesting tidbits about farm wonders in her column this week.

Columnist Judith Sutherland defends her theory of survival of the wittiest, complete with examples of rural orneriness.

Columnist Judith Sutherland looks back on the possibilities summer offered in days gone by.

Columnist Judith Sutherland shares the ongoing horror her family faces in the battle against Lyme disease. Her son, Cort, experiences symptoms of chronic Lyme disease - "like living through a nightmare that just won't go away."

It's a dog's life around columnist Judie Sutherland's house. But that's not all bad...

What happens to livestock and animals in the middle of a disaster like a wildfire, or a residential fire, for that matter. Columnist Judie Sutherland shares a story of local fire fighting heroics.