For Our Veterans
Appropriate words for this time of year, let's consider the following popular poem attributed to Father Dennis O'Brien, M.
Just stick a pen between your teeth
Feeling the chill of dreary fall mornings makes it hard to come out from under bedcovers and get a move on.
Civilization’s Most Important Paper: Unrolled
Watching the TV commercial where the Cottonelle puppy chases an unfurling roll of toilet paper across the house left me wondering again where our toilet paper is disappearing.
Roadside Bumper Crop Is Fall Nuisance
The rampant display of campaign signs before election time annoys me, marring fall's promising vista with clutter.
Apropos Apron: Chic Looks, Seldom Cooks
Returning my coffee mug to my drawer of personal stuff at work, I noted the apron still there from my camera room days at Farm and Dairy.
Sense of Community is Essential
Home from college for the weekend, Josie begged me to help her get into the book her English class was discussing.
Calling All Cooks!
For a month, now, we've run a request for recipes from our readers to be used in the next Farm and Dairy cookbook.
Watchin’ Tony Walk
On mornings when I'm not working away from home, around 7:50, our dog Lydia begins her bark that usually announces just about anything that moves in our vicinity.
Where was mission control before the storm?
mages of Hurricane Katrina's destruction blast from our televisions pierced us with secondhand sorrow.
Moving In
No matter how much we plan ahead at our house, it seems those plans always change. I choke back some frustration, let the rest of it torture the eardrums of my family in heated words, and tell myself to stay flexible.