Can you identify our newest antique tool?
You identified two of our mystery tools! Can you keep the streak alive and identify our newest antique tool?
Can you hazard a guess on the identity of these two antique tools?
Two antique items remain unsolved. Can you hazard a guess on what they are or how they were used?
Can you verify what our newest antique tool was used for?
Happy Holidays from Hazard. We have a new item for you to identify. Poll your friends and family and see if you can help us identify how it was used.
Hazard a guess at how this two piece antique tool was used
You've done a great job of solving these last couple of mysteries, can you keep it up with this week's newest item?
Hazard a guess at our latest mystery machine
You solved one mystery antique tool but our newest item is a mystery machine found in a garage. Can you tell us how it was used?
Can you identify this tool found while metal detecting?
This next item is a metal tool found while metal detecting on a farm, can you identify what it is or how it was used?
Can you identify this mystery metal tool?
You identified two antique tools! Now we have a new mystery tool for you to hazard a guess on how it was used.
Two tools identified, Can you hazard a guess at our latest antique item?
Can you help us identify our latest antique tool? Do you know how it was used? Hazard a guess today!
Hazard a guess on our newest antique tool
Can you identify this wood and metal antique tool? Hazard a guess today!
Can you hazard a guess on our newest antique item?
We received several guesses on Item No. 1226. Can you confirm which is correct? Also, take a guess at our newest unidetified antique item.