Can you continue your Hazard streak and name this antique tool?
Keep your streak alive and guess on the new Hazard item for this week. Believed to be a kitchen tool, this antique item could prove to be tricky to identify.
Get in gear! Hazard your guess on this week’s antique tool
Get in gear and hazard your guess on this week's antique tool. This wheeled/geared metal piece is a mystery its owner would like solved!
Hazard a guess on this antique metal tool
Can you give this tool a better name than "dohickey"? Help us solve the mystery of this antique item in this week's Hazard a Guess.
Can you solve this week’s mystery and name this antique tool?
Can you solve this week's mystery and name this antique tool? Hazard your guess in the comments!
Can you name this week’s antique tool?
You are on a roll for identifying our antique finds, Will this week be the week we finally stump you? Hazard your guess in comments.
Can you name this golden-hued antique tool?
Can you name this golden-hued antique tool?
A lighthearted Hazard a Guess, Can you name this antique find?
Hello from Hazard!
Last week, we said that Russ Roberts, of Twinsburg, Ohio, has offered up the lone guess on Item No. 1125, and he’s...
Can you name this Hazard a Guess Tool Submission?
Can you name this Hazard a Guess Tool Submission?
Do you know what this Hazard mystery tool is?
With two tools identified, we have a new mystery tool from Monroe Harbage of Plain City, Ohio. Can you Hazard a Guess on how it was used?
Can you solve this Hazard mystery? Tell us what you think these tools are.
These two mystery tools were found in a hay mow but not together. Can you help their owner figure out what they were used for?