Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The USDA has announced that nearly 2,500 applicants will receive disaster assistance through the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) for losses suffered from Oct. 1, 2011, through Sept. 30, 2013.

If your house is anything like ours, I am sure you have seen enough leftovers and turkey casseroles until another holiday.

Sign-up for the Tree Assistance Program continues.

The Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) program allows producers of eligible commodities to obtain low-interest financing to build or upgrade farm storage and handling facilities.

Opportunities to help you build your grain storage needs.

Well the national election is over and you probably thought that all the advertisements and articles about elections were over!

FSA has teamed up with OSU Extension to educate dairy producers on the new milk program called the Dairy Margin Protection Program, MPP-Dairy.

Hello Friends! My kids love Halloween, and judging from the decorations on some of the houses around the mile, there are several adults in my...

Beginning Nov. 17, farmers will have the opportunity to come into their local FSA office and declare which program option they want to be in for the life of this new farm bill.

While fall harvest signifies the end of a growing season on many farms, at the Farm Service Agency it means that a new year is just beginning.