Cap and trade: Show me the money
One of the basic rules of my incredibly successful one-dog, two-ink pen operation is that if the government wants to give some of my...
Farm news that happened while you weren’t watching …
With the summer already two-thirds over and the dog days of August about to seep in, I'll bet you didn't notice that... About the...
Dairymen crying over spilled milk prices
Maybe this is what Willie and Waylon were thinking when they warned American “mommas” to not let their “babies to grow up to be...
Stubborn, yes; ‘un-teachable,’ no
In the five months and three weeks since readers last took over this space, my snail mail and e-mail has taken on a decidedly...
Ag’s two faces in global warming debate
Once, during a friendly debate over global warming, I asked a well-informed acquaintance what the consequences were if he was wrong in his insistence...
You want funny? I’ll give you funny
All truth passes through three stages, German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once explained. "First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is...
I’ll be thinking of Uncle Honey July 14
As the end of June edges into sight, my mind floats back to those hot, long days on the southern Illinois dairy farm of...
NAIS should be fixed or forgotten
Four days before the seventh and final "listening session" June 1 to gather producer comments on NAIS, the National Animal Identification System, U.S. Secretary...
Rain makes grain — if grain’s planted
When I was drawing a paycheck as a cocksure marketing advisor and newsletter writer nearly 30 years ago, my colleagues and I often explained...
Take free trade — please
When the international trade portion of your resume is as thin as Ron Kirk's -- you do remember that Kirk, the former mayor of...