Thursday, December 26, 2024
Wisconsin dairy farm

Alan Guebert's favorite Thanksgiving memories trace back to the Illinois farm of his youth milking his father's dairy herd with Howard.
solar panel

Alan Guebert ponders what gives the better environmental and financial return — billions spent on a CO2 pipeline or investing in solar and wind generators?

Alan Guebert explains a GOP's proposal to reduce conservation, SNAP and rural development funding could affect the next Farm Bill.

Alan Guebert takes a trip down memory lane to talk about his family's 1961 Ford Galaxie.
U.S. Capitol

Alan Guebert weighs in on barriers to getting a new farm bill passed.
Angus beef cattle grazing

Alan Guebert weighs in on the future of the cattle industry.
rice harvest in India

Alan Guebert delves into what M.S. Swaminathan meant to India's food security following his recent passing.
veggie burger

Despite continued evidence that the majority of Americans have a very limited appetite for non-meat meat and non-egg eggs, investors continue to invest.
U.S. Capitol

Evidence continues to pile up that today's political and grain market pile-ups will be bigger and messier than first thought.
tractor stirring up dust in a field

Alan Guebert encourages those in the ag industry to stop telling the market what we will produce and start listening to what it needs us to produce.