If you wouldn’t spend the night on it, why should your calf?
The overall objective for calf bedding is to keep the calf clean, dry and comfortable - all critical factors for successfully raising healthy, happy calves.
Farm business help at your fingertips
Spring is in the air! Isn't springtime in northeast Ohio a wonderful time? Gone (hopefully) are the howling winter winds and we all are crossing our fingers for a warm, dry spring.
Make your dairy a no-fly zone
Not too many things are more annoying in the summer than trying to work and getting bothered by flies.
Analysis provides insight into farm
A SWOT analysis is an evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats impacting your farm business.
Neonatal workshop targets calf care from birth through weaning
The future of every successful dairy operation depends on a steady supply of healthy, productive replacement heifers calving between 22 and 24 months of age.
Have you ever seen boiling manure?
We needed frozen ground. Mud was getting old. Nonfarm types complained about the cold, those whose manure storages were over-full were glad to see sustained temps below freezing.
Labor: You’ll get what you pay for
Payday! Who doesn't get a good feeling knowing that a paycheck or direct deposit awaits them in an envelope or in the bank as a result of their work? I cut paychecks for our dairy's part-time employees every other Thursday night.
Even with $4 corn, you’re in control
Amid projections of improving milk prices, increasing feed costs have many dairy producers concerned.
Weather changes affect calf demands
We'll go on the assumption that by press time, our weather will change dramatically. In other words, it will stop raining, the grass will stop greening up, and the temperature will drop below 30 F and stay there.
Setting your 2007 farm budget by the numbers
Lower fuel and nitrogen prices in the last half of 2006 have signaled trends that should hold throughout 2007. The outlook numbers laid out...