Fact sheets focus on farm hazards
Before building a freestall barn, our cows were housed in tie stalls and loose housing. As you might find in many tie stall barns,...
Knowing your farm costs helps determine the path it will take
Dairy Jeopardy for $1,000: The answer is -437, -254, and -183. The question: How many Total herds, Grade A herds and Manufacturing Grade herds...
Cheesemaking workshop gives participants an edge in the industry
Hello northeast Ohio dairy farmers. OSU Extension is saying cheese again! OSU Extension is sponsoring a three-day basic cheesemaking course geared for local dairy,...
Look beyond U.S. borders for reason in the uptick in dairy markets
No quicker did we forecast a drop in milk prices in early January, than the price of all dairy products shot through the roof....
Don’t put off planning your farm transition
Preparing to transfer the assets and management of your farm business to the next generation is a long-term process and one that requires a...
Ohio farms encouraged to take part in National Farm Benchmarking project
Total cost of production per cwt., feed cost per cwt, net farm income per cow. These are important numbers for every farm as they...
There is nothing natural about agriculture, when you think about it
All natural eggs! Naturally raised chickens! Natural tofu! If ‘natural’ is so good, then why doesn’t Ford claim a natural pickup, or Apple an...
Make keeping up with advances in technology a lifelong endeavor
It's no secret that experiences define life. I've had my fair share, but I find myself continually challenged by the youth I spend time...
It can be beneficial for farmers to learn to communicate with young workers
If I've heard it once, I've heard it a hundred times -- "kids today just don't work like we did." I heard that when...
Ohio State University Extension can help you prepare for a better 2011
I can remember back several years ago on the first day of a junior high school math class. The teacher gave each student a...