Wednesday, December 25, 2024
alfalfa field

There are practices you can implement to reduce the risk of frost heaving. Two prevention strategies focus on increasing residue and minimizing bare soil.
dairy stalls

In stall-based housing systems, the cow stall design, surface and bedding type have a large effect on cow comfort and cow injuries.
Dairy cows

Ohio State Extension educator Luciana Bignardi da Costa suggests climate smart practices farmers can adopt to give their cows a lengthy, productive life.

Jason Hartschuh provides tips on udder care and mastitis prevention during the winer months.
dairy cow

David Marrison reflects on 2023 and prepares for 2024 by selecting the word manage as his word to implement and focus on in the new year.
Wisconsin dairy farm

Developing a vision statement is an important part of managing a dairy farm. Using input from the people who help make it successful to do so is invaluable.

Ohio State University Extension educator Jason Hartschuh discusses steps dairy farmers can take to prevent respiratory diseases in heifers over the winter.

Ohio State University educator Dwight Roseler provides tips for dealing with nuisance birds on the farm.
andreas farm holstein dairy cows

While there is no certainty in the projections provided in the latest Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook, they represent what can be expected in 2024.
tax form

OSU Extension educator David Marrison answers some common questions about preparing income taxes from farm owners.