Thursday, December 26, 2024

Lots of headlines dampen the ethanol euphoria by proclaiming we'll be paying more for our food. After all, there's only so much corn to go around.

The file's contents spilled out of one folder and into a second. Then a third. For at least seven years in the late 1980s and until 1993, we tracked and reported and wrote about the research and pending FDA decision on the use and commercial sale of bovine somatotropin, or bST.

Back-to-school shopping is a piece of cake with my 16-year-old son, Jon. We don't shop. And I love it.

We Americans are a cheeky lot. We've built this nation on independence, courage and true grit. We're rags to riches, Don't Tread On Me and don't tell us what to do.

Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got till it's gone They paved paradise and put up a parking lot - Lyrics by Joni Mitchell Ten farms in Adams County.

The ag world treats the cyclical years when the farm bill is written as The Years. As in "this could be The Year that meaningful reform streamlines ag programs" or "this could be The Year that environmental mandates include substantial financial assistance.

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in the word "dormitory," you can also spell "dirty room"? Or the letters in "slot machines" also spell "cash lost in 'em"? It's all about perspective.

I'm not the most frugal of individuals, but I'm by no means a spendthrift. Either way, I have little respect for things crossing my desk that strike me as a colossal waste of energy, time and money.

While researching some of the information for today's Page 1 story on the Borden Boys and their donation to the Smithsonian, I found a picture of a "Rotolactor" milking machine.

Long before there was David Letterman, the University of Tennessee's ag college came up with its own Top 10 list that's worth reviewing.