Saturday, September 7, 2024

I got my start with other people’s cull cows, just a bid or two above the hamburger market — which was not so dear back then.

Low-stress cattle handling is becoming a mainstream practice, but have you ever thought about the ultimate low-stress sorting system -- right from your computer?...

Consumers have to know as much as possible about beef value at today’s prices — they are not willing to buy known unknowns or even unknown knowns.

Stop trying to get maximum production. No more topping last year's average daily gains, enough with the peak efficiencies and quit angling for record...

Selling fed cattle on a live basis is no longer standard practice, and some day it could end up as no more than historical...

A steak sizzling on the grill is to a consumer what a cash register cha-ching is to a grocer. Despite economic conditions, those sweet...

I can give you advice. Your friends can show you what’s working on their ranch. You can read articles and learn from your local...

Whatever activity you think of, there’s probably a world record. Somebody has licked the most envelopes in a minute, played the longest chess match...

Sold. That word can be cause for celebration or the beginning of a personal pity party. It all depends on what dollar amount follows...