Reintroduction of trumpeter swans an Ohio success story
Ohio started a reintroduction program for trumpeter swans in 1996. As of last year, there were 111 breeding pairs and 206 offspring in the state.
Coyotes are here to stay — and that’s OK
Wildlife specialists believe coyote populations have reached a saturation point and may be having a positive impact on agriculture and local ecosystems.
Mourning doves are happy, healthy in Ohio
Mourning dove populations are flourishing in Ohio. Barb Mudrak investigates why their numbers are thought to be increasing by about 1% per year.
Glaciers carved out Ohio’s unique and specialized habitats
Discover how the glaciers that once covered two-thirds of Ohio created habitats for both humans and wildlife and how that's still evident today.
Getting to the bottom of gray fox decline
Scientists are extremely interested in sightings of the elusive gray fox because their population is declining in the Midwest. Find out how you can help.
Restoring Lake Erie’s once-prolific lake trout
Lake Erie Coldwater Task Group is working to restore Lake Erie's once-prolific lake trout, which were decimated by pollution, overfishing and parasites.
The history of the Great Black Swamp on Lake Erie’s western shore
The Great Black Swamp has changed drastically over time, from thousands of unsettled acres to an industrial hub and back to a wildlife refuge again.
Mysterious ginseng root prized in area
Appalachian Ohio's wild ginseng is so highly prized it's called "green gold" in some communities. Barb Mudrak digs deep into the world of ginseng harvesting.
Behind the cute, clever behavior of the killdeer
Killdeer are shorebirds, but many live in farm fields with short vegetation. They are relentless in protecting their nests and use a few tactics to do so.
Badgers and coyotes sometimes hunt together
Instead of being wary of a larger predator that could pose a danger, some badgers will team up with a coyote as a hunting partner.