Grazing dry pastures? Some tips to help you get the most until it rains
Basic pasture management principles are as important, if not more so, during periods of dry weather.
Plants of concern for livestock this summer
As summer progresses, the preferred forages for grazing dry up and become less available and animals are forced to consume plants they might otherwise not eat. These are some plants of concern for grazing livestock during these dry conditions in Ohio.
There’s a connection between parasites and pasture management
The grazier needs to be aware of the parasite status of the herd or flock and how grazing management and pasture rotation are connected to parasite management.
A closer look at glyphosate and resistant crops
Glyphosate does what it's supposed to, in a safe and efficient manner.
Soil testing is important for pasture management
Soil testing can make a big difference for your pasture growth.
Take a second look at your hay habit
There are many factors that go into your decision to cut hay. The main question that you have to ask yourself is if cutting hay is the best management decision for your farm or are you doing it out of habit.
Pasture walks offer new ideas
Guernsey County pasture walks are a kind of a farm field day, where you see farming practices that have been implemented.
Is it time to start grazing?
Is it time to start grazing? It depends on your location, needs, stage of growth and condition of your pastures.
Will your frost seeding improve your pastures this year?
Good legume establishment from frost seeding is not as easy as it may sound. It takes more than just broadcasting seed at the beginning of the growing season.
Pasture and grazing management tips to keep horses healthy
Horses do best when they are allowed to graze, so maintaining good pastures for horses is an important management practice.