Bryce Angell shares the tale of shoeing an appaloosa horse named Applejack.
Man against mouse
Bryce Angell deals with getting rid of a crafty mouse that decided to take up residence in his truck.
Byron’s broken leg
Bryce Angell crafts a peom about his friend Byron's trip back to town after a rowdy mare broke his leg.
The squeeze chute
Bryce Angell crafts a poem about his senior FFA project, repairing an old sqeeze chute.
Running boards
Bryce Angell finds he's a clumsy buffoon without the running boards on his truck.
A freebie steals your soul
Bryce Angell shares some of his father's wisdom in his most recent poem.
A snail’s pace
Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a trail ride.
Gasoline and vices
Bryce Angell muses, "I guess I should be thankful for the gasoline high prices. 'Cuz now I don't have money left to pamper all my vices," in a poem.
Berry pie
Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a berry pie mishap and a trail boss named Wyatt's questionable cooking.
My warming hut
Bryce Angell crafted a poem about his favorite March days — when the sun was out and he would sit atop hay stacks, sunbasking and dreaming of summer.