Yellowstone sleepwalker
Did you ever sleepwalk while camping? Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a time he sleepwalked right out of his tent in Yellowstone.
Forget breakfast
Bryce Angell plays Rip Van Winkle in his latest poem, waiting for his truck to warm up so he can go to the store for breakfast foods.
Bryce Angell recalls a close call playing the game Mumblety-Peg during his childhood.
Rough trail ride
Bryce Angell recaps a rough trail ride in poem form.
Byron’s broken leg
Bryce Angell crafts a peom about his friend Byron's trip back to town after a rowdy mare broke his leg.
My warming hut
Bryce Angell crafted a poem about his favorite March days — when the sun was out and he would sit atop hay stacks, sunbasking and dreaming of summer.
Stolen solitude
Bryce Angell waxes poetic over a once remote area that has now been discovered by the masses. He longs for the days of stolen solitude.
Hard to Catch
Cowboy poet Bryce Angell writes about a horse named Hard to Catch.
Hamburgers, fries and guilt
Bryce Angell takes a trip down memory lane while visiting a local burger joint.
The bank
Bryce Angell learns the hard way that the world doesn't work the way it used to.