Saturday, September 7, 2024
A Wrangler’s Reckless Writings

A Wrangler’s Reckless Writings


Bryce Angell considers trading his old Chevy in for a fancy new Ford, but just can't bring himself to do it.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about the importance of integrity.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about that time the all-you-can-eat buffet turned out to be less than.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a berry pie mishap and a trail boss named Wyatt's questionable cooking.

Nov. 11 is just around the corner. Find someone who served our country and give them a heartfelt thank you and a firm handshake.

Bryce Angell shares a poem about a soldier who recently crossed his path.
a group of people on horses herding cattle in a field

Columnist Bryce Angell writes about a memorable experience with new technology - an electric branding iron.
corn kernels and dollar bills

In a rare move, Bryce Angell uses his Visa to pay for new boots and stirrups. However, the purchase leaves him wondering if warm feet are worth it.

Bryce Angell reminds us there are still good men and women standing by willing to give of their time to someone in need and expect nothing in return. 

Bryce Angell reflects on the old man in the mirror in his latest poem.