Saturday, September 7, 2024
Calf in hutch

Brenda Hastings explains why calves are separated from their mothers.

Congratulations to our Week Four Reader's Kitchen Winner, Rosalie Parker! Learn a little about our winner and get her featured recipes!
spice blend

Homemade spice blends make great gifts, and they inspire home cooks to try new recipes.
Stille Nacht score

(Note: This column first appeared in Farm and Dairy 16 years ago. I offer it here again this year, because its message never dims....

By Sarah Cross Everyone creates his own image when you think of “home.” For some, it may be their “home place,” where they were raised....

How do busy families instill table manners, and what happens when the mom herself is a food-dropping klutz? Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb confesses to always needing a napking or two.

Congratulations to our Week Three Reader's Kitchen Winner, Lynne Almasy! Learn a little about our winner and get her featured recipes!
okra and seeds

Let’s not get so excited about harvesting vege crops that we forget to save seed for next season!
lily, plantain and dandelion

Local foods are hot right now, and it doesn’t get more local than foraging food in your backyard or at a nearby park.
washing leafy greens

Proper storage of produce keeps it fresh and ripe until you are ready to eat or preserve it. Storing produce in ideal conditions also improves its taste, texture and appearance.

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