Pastures slow to grow but much we still can do
After a cool, wet start to spring, here's what graziers need to know.
Pasture walks scheduled
The Eastern Ohio Grazing Council has planned workshops and pasture walks to answer grazing-related questions, share grazing ideas and encourage producers to...
March Madness calls for prep changes
Farmers want to know when better weather is going to stay for good, rather than just visit like an out of town relative.
Calendar says it’s spring: Ready for grazing season?
The key to successful grazing is trying to predict what is down the road so we can be prepared for it.
The Polar Vortex hasn’t been all bad
Devote days with uncomfortable weather conditions to get caught up on farm bookwork and plans for the coming weeks.
Pasture renovation is just around the corner
The snow and cold remain, but that will soon change.
Even though it’s winter, there’s still plenty of pasture work to be done
With the colder temperatures and calving season upon us, the nutrient requirement for momma cows is soon to be at its peak demand.
Sorghum-sudangrass a summer alternative for feed and fuel
Sorghum-sudangrass hybrids are warm season annual forages that look like sudangrass in growth but are generally taller, with larger...
What are you waiting for? Novel endophyte fescue seed worth a look
Despite the fact that it is a bit more expensive to plant novel endophyte fescue seed, you can offset the cost of establishing novel endophyte fescue by increasing livestock efficiency.
Some fall forage management tips to try
It’s hard to believe we’ve nearly reached the end of November! The leaves are falling, grain harvest is nearing completion, and it’s time to...