Tractors, trailers, local produce, and misc.
Sat., March 29, 2025 at 9:00am
547 Scott Ridge Rd.
Harmony, PA
Tractors: CIH 3220 w/canopy, CIH 4230 4×4 w/cab, International 684, Ford 3500 with loader & 3pt, White 6085w/ rollbar, John Deere 50 w/3pt, Farmall M, Farmall H, Farmall 300 w/ fast hitch, IH 184 cub lowboy w/ woods belly mower, MF 135 gas w/3pt, MF 50 TLB w/cab stuck clutch runs good, Davis Broom tractor w/ front mount broom (same as a Case), MF 65 gas power steering and 3pt, Future FT36C mini skidsteer, Future FT13C Mini excavator w/ cab, Hornbach tractor rare w/ VW engine.
Lawn Tractors and Side by Sides: 2016 Kubota RTV 1140 4 seater with bed932hrs, Kubota ZD331 LP-72 inch zero tun mower SN:30506 Hrs 1156, Kubota 2020 RTV-X900 SN:60108 Hrs 454, Kubota 2008 RTV500 SN:11249 Hrs 488.4, Kubota 2018 RTV-XG850 SN:10544Â Hrs 1613, John Deere Gator 6×4 1800hrs, Simplicity Citation XT zero turn mower 42.2 hrs, Cub Cadet Recon Zero turn mower 409hrs, Cub Cadet GTX 2100, Cub Cadet 1054, Craftsman 4TS 3000 20hp, Simplicity Regent 18hp Toro Wheel Horse 416-H w/ deck, bagger, snow blower and chains sells as a package deal off local estate very nice outfit.
Trailers: 2022 PJ 14,000lb dump trailer w/ roll tarp, underneath ramps, multi-function tailgate very nice, Wack built skidsteer trailer w/ ramps.
Local Produce/Truck Farm Closeout: International 684 w/ loader, International 424 gas w/ power steering and 3pt, Farmall Cub w/ front blade, JD 7000 2 row 3pt planter w/ dry fert corn and bean cups, Rain Flo 1600 transplanter with fert tanks pull type or 3pt hitch (like new), 2 onion wheels sold separately, 3pt disc, JD 7000 1 row plate planter 3pt, 2 row 3pt transplanter, Buckeye Tractor 3pt plastic layer, Buckeye Tractor 3pt bed maker/hiller, 3pt blade, Danuser PHD 3pt w/ 2augers, 3pt one bottom plow, Long 3pt 5’ tiller, 3pt dirt scoop, 3pt Tarter fert spreader, 3pt sub soiler, 250 gal fuel tank, Propane/natural gas greenhouse furnace, 3pt Vicon IS200m Sprayer, Clipper grain cleaner, 5’ pull type brush hog, 2 section spring tooth harrow.
Tillage: Krause 1925 21’ rock flex disc very nice field ready, Kewanee 1010 flat fold disc, Case IH 3800 16’ rock flex disc, Oliver 12’ transport disc w/ harrow, Landoll 15’ bi fold soil finisher, John Deere 950 10’ mulcher, Krause 7 shank disc chisel, Glenco 5 shank disc chisel, Glenco 9 shank disc chisel, IH 720 5btm 16â€plow, JD 845 3 bottom Rollover plow, White 588 5 bottom 18†auto reset plow w/disc colters, Brillion 21’ X fold packer, Ford two and three bottom plows, JD OC three bottom drag plow, MF 4×16 3pt plow, JD 1250 3btm 3pt plow, Brillion 12’ transport harrow, Brillion 16’ transport harrow, 16’ harrow gator, 8’ transport disc, MF 3pt disc.
Hay Equipment: NH BR7060 Round Baler crop cutter 8,500 bale on mont, net wrap drive chains replaced at 7000 bales “one owner just updating only reason for selling per consignor†very nice baler field ready, Pequea HR 1140 rotary rake, Kuhn Alterna 500 16’ center pivot discbine, CIH 8312 12’ center pivot discbine field ready, New Holland 467 7’ hay bine, New Holland 258 rake, NH 256 rake, NH 256 dolly wheel rake, NH 258 dolly wheel rake, NH double rake hitch, JD 660 dollywheel rake, NI 405 dollywheel rake, NH 630 round baler w/twine and electric tie, NH 273 square baler with thrower, NH 265 square baler, H&S 9×18 bale wagon, 2-Farm King 8×18 bale wagons, Kuhn 2-star 3pt hay tedder, Sitrex 2-star hay tedder, Sitrex 4 star manual fold hay tedder, older Kuhn 4 star tedder, Galfre 3pt disc mower, Woods BW180 15’ batwing mower, Hayrite 24’ skeleton bale elevator, Little Giant 24’ skeleton bale elevator, Allied 32’ skeleton bale elevator, Homemade round bale wagon.
Planting and Harvest Equipment: John Deere 7000 6×30 no till w/ dry fert single disc openers on fert and seed, CIH 5100 DD drill, Brillion 10’ sure stand seeder, Ford 309 3pt planter, New EZ trail header cart, Killbros 350 gravity wagon, Killbros side auger for wagon, Killbros 350 gravity wagon on 8 ton gear, Gleaner M2 combine with grain head and corn head. JD 213 Flex head. JD 444 low tin oil bath corn head.
New Skid Loader Attachments: 66â€, 72â€, 78â€and 84†buckets, 78â€and 84†rock buckets, Heavy duty makeup plate, 48†and 42â€pallet forks 3500lb, Hyd adjusting pallet forks, Post hole digger w/3 bits, Kivel single spear bale spear, Double bale spear, 4in1 bucket 72in, Post/tree puller, cement/mortar mixer, quick attach ditcher, fork extensions , Skid steer quick attach hyd pto to 3pt adapter, Post pounder.log splitter. Used Attachments- Bradco X1475 PHD W/ 9†12â€24†Augers, Bradco 6’ brushhog w/ 3 blade stump jumper, Log splitter.
Misc: NH 519 manure spreader single beater with gate, NH 512 double beater manure spreader w/new floor and web, County line PHD w/2 augers, 3pt log spliter, 3pt potato plow, Weld on excavator thumb, 3pt scoop, 3pt 5’ brush hog, IH 1300 Dinobal sicklebar mower 3pt, 300 gal field sprayer, Hardi 550 Navigator hi wheel sprayer, New Mini excavator PHD w/ 2 augers, New mini excavator attachment set, New Land-Honor LHR-CSC 10’ cattle chute with scales and digital monitor, Palco squeeze chute, Apache double sided creep feeder no gates, 34†and 38†duals, 20.8-38 snap on duals, New Chains and binders, chain slings, new clevis, New 40gal gas powered air compressor, New 14’ driveway gates, New 2yrd trash hopper, New Farm gates 10’-12’-14’, New 10×20 carport, New 20,000lb electric winch, New 400lb anvil, New King Kutter 9†PHD 3pt, New blue viper hot pressure washer w/tank, New fland ride on cement finisher, New 6×8 fence posts by the bundle, New Magnum 4000 psi gas powered pressure washer, New AGT 6’ 3pt roto tiller, JD tandem running gear. New garden sheds, New 4×6 Chicken coop. 20’ sea container, 20.8-38 duals, 18.4-38 duals, 18.4-38 10 bolt duals, New JD 70 loader never been on tractor, King Kutter 6’ 3pt brush hog, cattle scale monitor works as it should bar type, lot of farm toys at start of sale.
Wagon Load of New Tires:
Tractor rear: 18.4×38, 15.5×38,13.6×28, 11.2-28.
Tractor front: 6.00×16, 6.50×16, 7.50×16, 10.00×16 11.00×16.
Implement: 9.5L-15 and 11L -15.
Skid steer 4-10×16.5 12×16.5 tires and rims, 10×16.5 tires and rims.
LATE ADDITIONS: CIH 5250 Maximum 4×4 cab heat air approx 5,100hrs nice tractor, MF 283 diesel with side mount ditcher, Kubota BX25D TLB w/ mower deck, MF 30 gas, JD 925 lawn mower with Yanmar diesel, Kubota G1800 Diesel hst trans w/snow blade, AG Pro 500 gal sprayer 45’ booms tee jet tips tandem axle hi pro pump foam markers always shed kept in heated garage 1 owner very nice per consignor, Hardi 3pt sprayer 45’ booms very nice, NH 1465 haybine, JD 14t square baler, NH 273 square baler with pan chute, JD 7000 4 row wide dry fert w/ monitor, IH 800 4 row wide dry fert Yetter no till openers, Oliver 13 disc grain drill, Sure trac 20’ +5 tandem axle trailer Elec brakes pinel hitch will need axle work, Meyer forge wagon on ez-trail tandem running gear, Co-op ground drive manure spreader, Semi load of new fence post 6×8 5×8 and 4 5/8 x7 sold by the bundle, New 8×16 run in shed, New 4×6 chicken coops, JD suit case weights, IH 75lb suit case weights, Ford suit case weights, IH weight box, JD starter weights, JD wheel weights, Assorted disc and no till blades, hyd cylinders, top links, cleated hay elevator chain, no till coulters, hitch pins, implement jacks, JD battery charger, JD planter parts, ¾ drive socket set, pallet of gleaver combine sieves.
Auction Note: Two trucks will be running most of the day, Dress for the weather, Restroom and Lunch Available, Bring A friend something for everyone. PLEASE NO USED TIRES!!!!
Terms: Day of auction pay Cash or good check, w/ proper ID
For more information, please call Dennis at 724-679-8372 Or Mitchell at 724-996-5164, Payment is due day of auction unless other arrangements were made BEFORE day of sale. Announcements made sale day take precedence over printed material. Auctioneer and affiliates are not responsible for no shows of advertised equipment, lost or stolen items. Once it is sold, it becomes the buyer’s responsibility.
Mitchell J Kerr AU-006223
Mike Lozier- AU 2995
Roger Croll- AU 005812
Check #51030 for pictures and listing.
Go to #10418