Upcoming Auctions
January 1, 2025
- Auctions at 9:00 am
- Auctions at 9:30 am
- Auctions at 11:00 am
- Auctions at 12:00 pm
Auctions at 1:00 pm
Annual New Year’s Day Sheep and Goat Sale. Over 200 Head Pre-consigned of both Sheep and Goat. ( Ripley, WV ) by Jackson Co Regional Livestock Market
January 2, 2025
- Auctions at 12:00 pm
Auctions at 7:00 pm
16+/- Acres of mostly wooded recreational/ hunting, and misc. ( Woodsfield, OH ) by Ed & Ben Schafer, Auctioneers
January 8, 2025
- Auctions at 12:00 pm
Auctions at 7:00 pm
13+ acre Hobby Farm with a 5 Bedroom farmhouse, and misc. ( Palestine , WV ) by Coopers Auction Service
January 10, 2025
Auctions at 10:00 am
1/10, 1/11, and 1/12 at 10AM daily. Oriental, historical items, pottery, and misc. ( Meadville, PA ) by Nicolls & Auctions