
Sat., April 12, 2025 at 10:00am

Kiko Auctioneers
Auction Venue

19185 N. Benton West Rd.

North Benton, OH


Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr., C.A.I., 330.495.0923, rustykiko@kikocompany.com


Stephanie L. Kandel, 330.705.9880, skandel@kikocompany.com;

KIKO Auctioneers; www.kikoauctions.com

DIRECTIONS: Rt. 14 to N. Benton and south on 12th St. to North Benton West Rd. or 12th St. north of US Rt. 62 5.5 miles. Watch for KIKO signs.

REAL ESTATE. Family owned for 40 years. Offered multi par, separate and together. 65.25 acres total. Approx. 50 acres tillable, presently in hay meadows balance pasture. Small wooded area, mostly all high-tensile fence. Two-story frame home built in 1900. 1,993 sq. ft. Three bedrooms and 2 baths that need remodeled on 2nd level. Oak finished kitchen with appliances with dining area, laundry off kitchen plus half bath. Main-floor bedroom, family room, living room, front porch. Basement with FA oil furnace. Vinyl siding, shingle roof, replacement windows. Home basically sound but needs updated. Outbuildings: 4-year-old metal roof and sided 40 X 60 pole building, fully enclosed, 14’ height, very good condition. 100+ year old bank barn with straw shed, block foundation, shingle, and metal roof, concrete outside lot. Block milk house. Barn needs some attention. 24 X 60 poured concrete walls, truss roof building, used for machinery and hay. Land lays level to gently rolling. Mineral rights are believed to be owned and no present leases. Offered as follows:

Parcel #1. 5.5 acres with all buildings and home.

Parcel #2. Adjoining 23.7 acres, mostly open farmland and pasture.

Parcel #3. Adjoining 36.1 acres, mostly farmland and pasture, some woods. All lays nice.

Buy one or all. Walk the land at your leisure. You’ll love this farm.

Open house on home & buildings Mon. Apr. 7, 4:00-6:00 pm.

TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 10% down auction day, balance due at closing. A 10% buyer’s premium will be added to the highest bid to establish the purchase price. Any desired inspections must be made prior to bidding. All information contained herein was derived from sources believed to be correct. Information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Property to be offered as a Multi Par auction and sold whichever way it brings the most.

NH SKID LOADER, TRUCKS, TRACTOR, EQUIPMENT, ETC. 2018 Ford F-150, pickup, auto, 22,527 miles; 2007 Ford F-150 ext. cab, manual trans., 59,905 miles; White 2-105 diesel 2WD tractor, cab, 6185 hrs; Farmall 806 diesel tractor, 18.4X34, 7425 hrs, WF; NH 2012 L215 diesel skid loader, ext. hyd, 2660 hrs, one owner; Farmall 656 diesel tractor, 3 pt, WF, 18.4X34; AC WD 45 gas, good rubber, wide front; NH 2011 7220 9’ Mow Max discbine; NH 570 square baler with belt kicker; Hesston 5 bar hay rake; NI 4150 hay rake; 6 bale throw wagons with very good wood racks; Int. 710 5-bottom semi mt. plow; Int. 12’ trans double disc; JD Van Burnt 17-hole drill rough; MM 4X14 semi mt. plow; JD 4-row dry corn planter, rough; JD 450 hydra push, rough; Farm King 2-star tedder; 5’ JD brush hog, rough; JD 200-gallon crop sprayer; older 3 pt post-hole digger; Brillion 12’ single cultipacker; 3 pt. PTO cone spreader; (2) SS bulk milk tanks, 200 & 400 gal.; small chisel; platform scales; fanning mill; small generator; misc. household items and furniture.

TERMS ON CHATTELS: Driver’s license or State ID required to register for bidder number. Cash, Check, Debit Card, Visa, or Master Card accepted. 4% buyer’s premium on all sales; 4% waived for cash or check when paid sale day. Information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Multi Par auction process may be used.

AUCTION BY ORDER OF: Julie Ann Bradley & Lisa Lenore Butler, Co-Executors of the Carl J. Lenore Estate. Mahoning Co. Case #2024-ES-0219


65+ Acre Farm, Mahoning Co., Tractors, Trucks, Farm Machinery, Misc.

Live auction with online bidding available on real estate. To settle the estate, all sells on location.

Sat. Apr. 12, 2025 – 10:00 am

Real estate sells at 10:30 am

19185 North Benton West Rd., North Benton, OH 44449



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