Roundup of FFA news for Dec. 19, 2024


SHELBY, Ohio — On Dec. 8, Shelby FFA members participated in the Parade of Lights. Despite the cold, there was plenty of good cheer to go around as members tossed out candy from their float.

On Nov. 29, Shelby FFA members participated in the King of the Ridge livestock judging contest at the Holmes County Fairgrounds. Freshman Dashawna Davis placed an impressive seventh overall.

Shelby FFA’s annual fruit sales are now complete with over $35,000 worth of fruit sold. The club donated over $800 worth of produce to the Shelby Helpline.


SULLIVAN, Ohio — On Dec. 7, eight members of the Black River FFA chapter proudly represented their organization in the State Novice Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event, which was held at the Delaware Area Career Center.

This competition challenges students to demonstrate their expertise in conducting effective business meetings and group decision-making processes.

This year’s novice team included President Colton Roberts, Vice President Leah Coffman, Secretary Olivia Bailey, Treasurer Rylee Howard, Sentinel Caleb Howard, Reporter Adyline Coffman, Student Advisor Jayden Young and Member Emma Macfarlane.

The team achieved a fourth-place finish in their room, earning recognition as one of the top 20 novice teams in the state.


OWENSVILLE, Ohio — On Dec. 6, some Clermont Northeastern FFA officers woke up early to travel to the Cargill grain terminal in Cincinnati where they attended a Feed the Truckers Event. The students cooked about 70 sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches for those hauling grain to the facility to be sold.


MILLERSBURG, Ohio — On Nov. 7, West Holmes FFA participated in the District Job interview contest at Lucas High School.

In the Freshman division, Gabby Fowler was fifth out of 14 contestants. In the Sophomore division, Shane Lorentz was ninth out of 15 contestants. In the Junior division, Emma Eberhard was third out of 17 contestants. In the Senior division, Andi Schuch was fourth out of 14 contestants.


RACINE, Ohio — Racine FFA members competed in the District 10 Job Interview CDE which was held at Warren High School on Oct. 29. Sophomore Justin Lawson got 10th place in the contest and Junior Hunter Jarrell got third place in the contest.

Great work to the members on competing in a contest that they will be able to use for years to come.


WATERFORD, Ohio — The Waterford FFA chapter’s Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Team recently competed in two different contests that lead them to becoming one the best parliamentary procedure teams in the state of Ohio. The team placed second and received a gold rating in the district contest, held at Waterford High School.

The team went on to place third in the state contest, held Dec. 14 at the Delaware Area Career Center. The Waterford Parli Pro Team consisted of Allison Huck, Taylor Starkey, Payge Lane, Katelynn Valandingham, Kaylie McCutcheon, Gracie Hartline and Leia Barnett. The team was coached by advisor Matthew Hartline.



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