Ohio teen wins National Junior Angus Association Bronze and Silver awards

black angus beef cattle

SAINT JOSEPH, Mo. — Anna Scheurman, of Warsaw, Ohio, has earned the National Junior Angus Association’s Bronze and Silver awards, according to Caitlyn Brandt, events and junior activities director of the American Angus Association.

Scheurman is the 19-year-old daughter of Kirk and Jeanettee Scheurman and attends Ohio University, where she studies nursing. She is a member of the NJAA and the Ohio Junior Angus Association, where she has served as royalty and currently serves as vice president.

She has participated in state, regional and national shows. At the National Junior Angus Show, Scheurman participated in the photography contest and the 2023 mentoring program. Scheurman has submitted DNA samples for Genomic Profile Testing through Angus Genetics Inc. and consigned cattle to the Eastern Ohio Angus Spring Sale.

The Bronze and Silver awards are the first two levels of the NJAA Recognition Program that began in 1972. Junior Angus breeders must apply for the awards, then meet point requirements in many areas of participation before receiving the honors. Applicants are evaluated in areas of junior Angus association activities and leadership, participation in showmanship, contests and shows, using performance testing to improve their herd and their progress in producing and merchandising Angus cattle.

The NJAA promotes the involvement of young people in raising Angus cattle, while providing leadership and self-development opportunities for the nearly 4,500 active members nationwide.

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