YELLOW CREEK TOWNSHIP, Ohio — Kindle C.R.E.W. 4-H Club of Columbiana County is already kindling the fire of community service in its first month. With love and crafty hands, the members of the club made 87 valentines and visited the seniors of Crossroads at Beaver Creek. They handed out cards and drawings and engaged in genuine, heart-felted involvement. There were smiles, words of love, hugs, conversations, respect and sweetness. Additionally, they got to talk with two former 4-H members living in the facilities.
The brand new Kindle C.R.E.W (C: Children, R: Ready, E: Equipped, W: Willing) 4-H Club is excited about all the possibilities to serve, learn, inspire leadership, have fun, make friends and share what they can spark into the community through their 4-H experience.