Youth show dairy winners at Lisbon


LISBON, Ohio – The Columbiana County Fair junior dairy show drew entries in most dairy breeds.

Grand and reserve champion honors in the Ayrshire show went to Todd Bricker of Salem. Bricker also had the junior champions.

Cinda Unkefer of Columbiana showed the grand champion Jersey, while her brother, Todd, showed the reserve champion. Anthony McCallister showed the Jersey junior champion and April Bos showed the reserve junior champion.

Keeping the winnings in the family was another brother-sister duo. Emilie Kiko of Salem showed the grand champion Holstein and Ryan Kiko showed the reserve champion.

Hagan Whiteleather of Minerva showed the junior champion Holstein and Melanie Kiko, the reserve junior champion.

Levi Bardo of Salem showed the grand champion Brown Swiss, followed by Lydia Bardo with the reserve champion. Levi Bardo also showed the junior champion and Becky Glasser of Homeworth, the reserve junior champion.

In the Guernsey show, Amy Fleming showed both the grand and reserve champions.

In the club herd class, the West Township 4-H club placed first; Just Rite 4-H, second; and Barnyard Buddies, third.

Showmanship. In the showmanship classes, April Bos of North Canton won the junior II division, followed in second by Ed Glasser of Homeworth. Logan Cope of Columbiana won the junior I division, with Ryan Kiko placing second. Bos won the overall junior showmanship honor.

Anthony McCallister of Winona won the intermediate division, with Melanie Kiko in second. Todd Bricker won senior showmanship, with Joshua Zehentbauer taking second.

McCallister was the overall showman of showmen.

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