BURTON, Ohio – It has been a long, hot summer and the inside of your horse barn has probably been even hotter.
You can cool a barn off in the summer by opening the doors and windows and by using fans. However, this is only half the story. It is during the winter that your horses’ health is at risk due to poor ventilation that creates a perfect environment for respiratory diseases.
Providing adequate ventilation and creating a healthy environment for your horse starts with proper stable design.
Facilities meeting. Geauga County OSU Extension will host an equine facilities meeting Sept. 11 at 6:30 p.m.
This program will cover facility design, ventilation, arena snow load design, planning for traffic, building materials and methods, fire safety and utilities.
Guest speaker is Mike Brugger, associate professor from Ohio State’s department of food agricultural and biological engineering.
Les Ober from Geauga County OSU Extension will also be on hand to answer your pasture questions.
Participants with specific problems with ventilation or stable design are invited to bring a diagram to the event for expert advice.
Details. The meeting will be held at Maple Star Farms, 11550 Aquilla Road, Chardon, Ohio.
Maple Star Farms is located 2 miles north of state Route 322 and 1 mile south of the city of Chardon on Aquilla Road.
Bring a folding chair as seating is very limited. The cost of the meeting is $5 to cover speaker travel and refreshments.
Preregister by Sept. 6 by calling 440-834-4656.
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