MADISON, Ohio — Penn State’s collegiate dairy judging team took first place at the National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held as part of the World Dairy Expo in Madison.
Dylan Dietz, McVeytown, Pa., earned third high individual honors, while Emma Brenengen, Middletown, Md., was fourth high individual.
Other team members were Abigail Jantzi, Clymer, NY, eighth overall individual and ninth in reasons, and Emily Heilinger, Lebanon, Pa. The team was coached by Dale Olver, instructor of dairy and animal science.
Consistency was the key to their win, with the team placing in the top ten for all seven breeds and for reasons. They were first for Guernseys; second for Red and Whites; fourth for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, and Jerseys; fifth for oral reasons; sixth for Holsteins; and tenth for Milking Shorthorns.
Individually, Dietz was high Guernsey individual and ranked seventh for Ayrshires. Brenengen was second in Jerseys, fourth in Red and Whites, and ninth in Guernseys; Jantzi placed fifth for Guernseys and Red and Whites and ranked ninth in Ayrshires.
Cornell University was the second team overall, followed by South Dakota State University, third; Virginia Tech, fourth, and Ohio State University, fifth.