Holmes County honors top dairies

Holstein dairy cows.

WALNUT CREEK, Ohio — A lot of cows in Holmes County make a lot of milk for a long time, as evidenced by the number of cows on the list of high lifetime production cows.

The list was five pages long with 160 cows.

The list starts with a Brown Swiss producing 115,640 pounds in four lactations and finishes with her Brown Swiss herd mate pouring out 310,725 pounds of milk, 12,463 pounds of fat and 10,300 pounds of protein to equal 337,163 pounds of energy corrected milk in seven lactations.

The oldest cow on the list was a Jersey with 182,444 pounds of milk, 11,150 pounds of fat and 7,176 pounds of protein in 12 lactations.

These cows and their herd mates were recognized during the Holmes County Dairy Service Unit’s annual meeting at the Carlisle Inn, Walnut Creek.

RNR Swiss & Lake Point Dairy and Doughty Valley Farm topped the list of high lifetime production cows in the county.

Doughty Valley Farm had the top cow for milk with 319,670 pounds of milk and RNR Swiss and Lake Point Dairy had the top cow for fat, protein and energy corrected milk protein with 12,463 pounds of fat, 10,300 pounds of protein and 337,163 pounds of energy corrected milk.

High herds

Hal and Rod Hunsberger had the high Holstein herd in the county for protein among herds over 100 cows with 896 pounds of protein.

Springwalk Farm Holsteins had the top had the high herd over 100 cows for butterfat with 1,213 pounds of fat.

The farm had the top first lactation Holstein for fat with 1,442 pounds of fat and the top aged cow for energy corrected milk, protein and butterfat with 50,262.83 pounds of energy corrected milk, 1,520 pounds of protein and 2,211 pounds of fat.

Spring Hill Farm had the low somatic cell count for Holstein herds over 100 cows with 64,000.

Hyland Acres Jerseys had the low somatic cell count herd over 100 cows with 148,000.

Doughty Valley Farm had the top had the high herd over 100 cows for milk and energy corrected milk with 29,833 pounds of milk and 31,324 pounds of energy corrected milk, the top first lactation Holstein for milk, protein and energy corrected milk with 33,614 pounds of milk.

They also had 35,069 pounds of energy corrected milk and 925 pounds of protein and the top Holstein aged cow for milk with 39,746 pounds of milk.

They were also the most improved herd over 100 cows for milk, fat, protein and energy corrected milk with an increase of 2,493 pounds of milk, 97 pounds of fat, 64 pounds of protein and 5,560 pounds of energy corrected milk.

RNR Swiss & Lake Point Dairy was recognized as the top Holstein herd under 100 cows for milk, fat, protein and energy corrected milk with 28,364 pounds of milk, 1,181 pounds of fat, 872 pounds of protein and 31,263 pounds energy corrected milk.

They were also the most improved herd over 100 cows for milk, fat, protein and energy corrected milk with an increase of 2,411 pounds of milk, 149 pounds of fat, 69 pounds of protein and 3,244 pounds of energy corrected milk.

RNR Swiss & Lake Point Dairy also had the high herd in the colored breeds over 100 cows with their Brown Swiss, with 23,046 pounds of milk, 1,013 pounds of fat, 782 pounds of protein and 26,636 pounds of energy corrected milk.

They also had the high herd in the colored breeds under 100 cows with their Jersey herd for fat, protein and energy corrected milk with 782 pounds of protein, 1,116 pounds of fat and 25,612 pounds.

They had the top first lactation cows for milk, fat, protein and energy corrected milk. One with 33,569 pounds of energy corrected milk, and 1,413 pounds of fat and the second one with 27,690 pounds of milk and 925 pounds of protein.

They also had the top aged cow in the colored breeds, with 32,165 pounds of milk, 1,600 pounds of fat, 1,089 pounds of protein and 39,069 pounds of energy corrected milk.

De-Lin had the most improved somatic cell count for herds under 100 cows with a drop of 57,000. Open Road Swiss had the most improved somatic cell count for herds over 100 cows with a drop of 200,000.

Spring Walk Farm Guernseys had the top herd for milk, in the colored breeds for herds under 100 cows with 19,673 pounds of milk.

Pine Grove Guernseys had the low somatic cell score for colored breed herds under 100 with 81,000.

Most improved

De-Lin Jerseys were recognized as the most improved herd under 100 cows for reducing their SCC by 57,000. Christ D Raber had the most improved herd on unofficial test for milk, butterfat energy corrected milk with an increase of 3,340 pounds of energy corrected milk, 121 pounds of butterfat and 2,965 pounds of milk.

Nelson Troyer had the most improved herd on unofficial test with an increase of 119 pounds of protein and Pete Miller Jr. had the most improved herd on unofficial test by dropping his somatic cell count score by 88,000.

Holmes County Honor Roll herds include Dar Re Farm Jerseys, Hyland Acres Jerseys Ltd, Spring Valley Farm Jerseys, RNR-Lake Point Dairy Jerseys, Brown Swiss and Holsteins, Springwalk Farm Guernseys and Holsteins, Spring Hill Farm Guernseys and Holsteins, Open Road Farm Holsteins, Edwin E Miller, Doughty Valley Farm and Hal and Rod Hunsberger.

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