(Reported by Chris Kick)
Aug. 24 and Aug. 27 2016
Total sale: $509,213.85
Total lots: 503
Number of lots: 54
Average w/champions: $3.39/pound
Grand champion exhibitor: Caroline Blay
Bid: $12 per pound Weight: 1,340
Buyer: Singleton Reels and Welch Anesthesia
Reserve champion exhibitor: Kaitlyn Benjamin
Bid: $6 per pound Weight: 1,390 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevrolet
Grand champion carcass steer: Brandon Loebick
Bid: $6 a pound Weight: 822 pounds
Buyer: Polen Meats and Kiko Meats
Reserve champion carcass steer: Emily Scott
Bid: $4.50 a pound Weight: 662 pounds
Buyer: Custom Laser
Champion born and raised: Kesston Wanchick
Reserve champion born and raised: Alicia Bunker
Number of lots: 225
Average w/champions: $3.17/pound
Grand champion exhibitor: Mackenzie Langford
Bid: $29 per pound Weight: 290 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevrolet
Reserve champion exhibitor: Cameron Langford
Bid: $19 per pound Weight: 274 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Ford
Grand champion carcass exhibitor: Jack Mitchell
Bid: $12 per pound Weight: 162 pounds
Buyer: Erv-N-Del Farm/Umbarger Feed and Polen Meats
Reserve champion carcass exhibitor: Neil Griffith
Bid: $9 per pound Weight: 170 pounds
Buyer: Leppo Rents of Akron
Senior skillathon: Frank Fugman
Intermediate skillathon: Madelyn Rennecker
Junior skillathon: Nick May
Number of lots: 49
Average w/champions: $4.06/pound
Grand champion exhibitor: Samantha Eckhart
Bid: $14 per pound Weight: 143 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Ford
Reserve champion exhibitor: Kelsea Ebie
Bid: $10 per pound Weight: 142 pounds
Buyer: James Wilson
Grand champion carcass lamb: Nathan Swift
Bid: $12 per pound Weight: 48 pounds
Buyer: Champion hog exhibitors
Reserve champion carcass lamb: Jack Mitchell
Bid: $13.50 per pound Weight: 48 pounds
Buyer: Jack and Laura Groselle
Junior skillathon: Nicholas May
Senior skillathon: Samantha Eckhart
Champion of champions showmanship: Catherine Hoover
Portage County born and raised champion: Logan Campbell
Portage County born and raised reserve champion: Logan Campbell
Number of lots: 35
Average w/champions: $507
Grand champion exhibitor: Kayla Lynn
Bid: $1,600 (record) Weight: 98 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevrolet
Reserve champion exhibitor: Sara Procaccio
Bid: $1,200 Weight: 79 pounds
Buyer: Wittensoldner Realty
Number of lots: 18
Grand champion exhibitor: Drake Rennecker
Bid: $650 Buyer: East Manufacturing
Reserve champion exhibitor: Mackenzie Langford
Bid: $500 Buyer: East Manufacturing
Number of lots: 30
Grand champion exhibitor: Jacob Mix
Bid: $900 Weight: 27.05 pounds
Buyer: De-Lux Mold and Machine
Reserve champion exhibitor: Michael Kline
Bid: $650 Weight: 29.25 pounds
Buyer: Polen Meats
Senior skillathon: Seth Allen
Junior skillathon: Audrey Landis
Novice skillathon: Braden Landis
Number of lots: 48
Grand champion exhibitor: Lucas Ryan
Bid: $950 Weight: 24.35 pounds
Buyer: Sabrina Christian-Bennett
Reserve champion exhibitor: Emily Marek
Bid: $650 Weight: 27.05 pounds
Buyer: Ameriprise Financial and Horning Seasonal Storage
Senior skillathon: Andrea Coumos
Intermediate skillathon: Baylee Booth
Novice skillathon: Luke Dunn
Number of lots: 9
Grand champion exhibitor: Andrea Coumos
Bid: $400 Weight: 6.4 pounds
Buyer: Marlboro Concrete
Reserve champion exhibitor: Jacob Mix
Bid: $400 Weight: 6.75 pounds
Buyer: Hyde’s Automotive
Number of lots: 8
Average w/champions:
Grand champion exhibitor: Brycen Sveda
Bid: $500 Weight: 12.65 pounds
Buyer: De-Lux Mold and Machine
Reserve champion exhibitor: Elizabeth Carson
Bid: $750 Weight: 12.2 pounds
Buyer: Dave and Barb Bailey
Number of lots: 11
Grand champion exhibitor: Nathan Swift
Bid: $750 (record) Weight: 2.85 pounds
Buyer: Exhibitors of the champion hogs
Reserve champion exhibitor: Autumn Richards
Bid: $650 Weight: 2.95 pounds
Buyer: Ameriprise Financial and Horning Seasonal Storage
Number of lots: 4
Grand champion exhibitor: Mackenzie Swift
Bid: $650 (record) Weight: 7.4 pounds
Buyer: East Manufacturing
Reserve champion exhibitor: Amber Zavara
Bid: $650 Weight: 7.1 pounds
Buyer: Sunrise Springs Water Co.
Auctioneers: Kiko Auctions
Fair royalty: King, Seth Allen; Queen, Olivia Orf