Ashtabula County Fair market livestock sale totaled $290,593


(Scroll down for a slide show of some of the winners from the 2016 Ashtabula County Fair market livestock sale. You can also click on the youth’s name in the results listing to see a larger photo.)

Aug. 13, 2016
Sale Total: $290,593.78
Total Lots: 271


Number of Market Lots: 25
Average: $2.83/pound with champions; $2.38/pound without
Number of Carcass Lots: 6
Average: $4.18/pound with champions; $3.65/pound without

Grand champion exhibitor*: Kate Cole
Bid: $3.20/pound              Weight: 1,160 pounds
Buyer: Petrowell Services/Petrowater Inc.

Reserve ch. exhibitor/reserve best of show: Zane Neczeporenko
Bid: $3.65/pound              Weight: 1,280 pounds
Buyer: Mike Ellsworth Construction

Best of show: Ashley Ray
Bid: $11.50/pound (Record)              Weight: 1,405 pounds
Buyer: Colebrook Elevator, Ray Bros Inc.

Best of show carcass: Shardonay Miller
Bid: $5/pound                           Weight: 344 pounds
Buyer: Buckeye Brute Racing Team

Reserve best of show carcass: Lucas Steen
Bid: $3.35                 Weight: 323.5 pounds
Buyer: Safeway Construction Services


Number of Lots: 11
Average: $1.44/pound with champions; $1.41/pound without
Number of Carcass Lots: 5
Average: $2.31/pound with champions; $2.42/pound without

Grand champion exhibitor: Nicole Mann
Bid: $1.95/pound              Weight: 1,305 pounds
Buyer: Marous Farms Enterprises Inc.

Reserve champion exhibitor/best of show: Emily Millard
Bid: $1.60/pound              Weight: 1,345 pounds
Buyer: Harvey Homes and RV

Reserve best of show: Sydney Millard
Bid: $1/pound              Weight: 1,395 pounds
Buyer: Grimmett Construction

Best of show carcass: Logan Fetters
Bid: $2.20/pound              Weight: 333.5 pounds
Buyer: Brad and Jodi Fetters

Reserve best of show carcass: Emily Millard
Bid: $2.10/pound              Weight: 391.5 pounds
Buyer: Walter and Michal Barnes


Montana Szuhay’s 259-pound best of show hog sold for $6.75 a pound to Bortnick Farms, represented by Don Bortnick and Georgia Hofka.
Montana Szuhay’s 259-pound best of show hog sold for $6.75 a pound to Bortnick Farms, represented by Don Bortnick and Georgia Hofka.

Number of Market Lots: 115
Average: $3.38/pound with champions; $3.32/pound without
Number of Carcass Lots: 10
Average: $3.50/pound with champions; $3.34/pound without

Best of show: Montana Szuhay
Bid: $6.75/pound              Weight: 259 pounds
Buyer: Bortnick Farms

Reserve best of show: Brandon Oeffner
Bid: $7/pound              Weight: 261 pounds
Buyer: Mike Ellsworth Construction

Best of show carcass: Nick Edelman
Bid: $3.75/pound              Weight: 145 pounds
Buyer: Walter and Michal Barnes

Reserve best of show carcass: Trenton Ellsworth
Bid: $4.50/pound              Weight: 178 pounds
Buyer: Kassay Greenhouse


Number of Market Lots: 8
Average: $6.41/pound with champions; $4.95/pound without
Number of Carcass Lots: 5
Average: $11.80/pound with champions; $11.83/pound without

Grand champion exhibitor/best of show: Rebecca Jackam
Bid: $12.50/pound              Weight: 138.5 pounds
Buyer: Mike Ellsworth Construction

Reserve champion exhibitor: Jessica Housel
Bid: $6.50/pound              Weight: 126 pounds
Buyer: Cope Farm Equipment

Reserve best of show: John Jackam
Bid: $7.50/pound              Weight: 135.5 pounds
Buyer: Smokin’ T’s Smokehouse

Best of show carcass: Laura Jackam
Bid: $11/pound              Weight: 62 pounds
Buyer: Paul and Jan Jackam

Reserve best of show carcass: Mikenzie Brown
Bid: $12.50/pound              Weight: 57 pounds
Buyer: Allega Companies


Number of Market Lots: 6
Average: $3.92/pound with champions; $3/pound without
Number of Carcass Lots: 2
Average: $16.50/pound

Grand champion exhibitor/best of show: Faith Blankenship
Bid: $7/pound              Weight: 76.6 pounds
Buyer: REO Trucking

Reserve champion exhibitor/reserve best of show: Paige Mottley
Bid: $4.50/pound              Weight: 53.40 pounds
Buyer: Austinburg Veterinary Clinic

Grand champion carcass: Nicklas Trkula
Bid: $16/pound                         Weight: 22 pounds
Buyer: Elmer and Iris Geil

Reserve champion carcass: Darron Jones
Bid: $17/pound              Weight: 22 pounds
Buyer: Newhart Plumbing


Number of Lots: 1

Grand champion exhibitor: Colleen Darby
Bid: $210/basket
Buyer: Walter and Michal Barnes


Number of Lots: 35
Average: $1.41/pound with champions; $1.39/pound without

Grand champion exhibitor*: Katie Eldred
Bid: $2/pound              Weight: 548 pounds
Buyer: Smokin’ T’s Smokehouse

Reserve champion exhibitor: Katie Jo Hass
Bid: $1.50/pound              Weight: 690 pounds
Buyer: Buckeye Builders

Best of show: Tory Durkovic
Bid: $1.50/pound              Weight: 720 pounds
Buyer: Erie Bank

Reserve best of show: Mason Summers
Bid: $1.50/pound              Weight: 636 pounds
Buyer: Springer Dairy Farm


Number of Lots: 6
Average: $2.23/pound with champions; $2.05/pound without

Grand champion exhibitor*/best of show: Mackenzie Kotnik
Bid: $2.85/pound              Weight: 438 pounds
Buyer: Stringfellow Farm

Reserve champion exhibitor/reserve best of show: Austin Schilling Ball
Bid: $2.30/pound           Weight: 554 pounds
Buyer: Stringfellow Farm


Number of Lots: 1

Teresa Polchin was the grand champion dairy exhibitor. She sold her cheese basket to Brandi and Cline Clute, of Shady Springs Farms, for $700.
Teresa Polchin was the grand champion dairy exhibitor. She sold her cheese basket to Brandi and Cline Clute, of Shady Springs Farms, for $700.

Best of show: Teresa Polchin
Bid: $700/basket
Buyer: Shady Springs Farms


Number of Pens of Three: 4
Average: $21.13/lb. with champions; $22.50/lb. without

Grand champion exhibitor: Mikayla Searles
Bid: $27/pound              Weight: 12.96 pounds
Buyer: Common Pleas Court Judge Marianne Sezon and Richard Dana

Reserve champion exhibitor: Rella Duck
Bid: $12.50/pound              Weight: 14.24 pounds
Buyer: Austinburg Veterinary Clinic


Number of lots: 9
Average: $11.78/pound with champions; $9.57/pound without.

Grand champion exhibitor*/best of show: Edison Cigany
Bid: $21/pound          Weight: 27.68 pounds
Buyer: Patterson Veterinary Clinic

Reserve champion exhibitor/reserve best of show: Michael Perkins
Bid: $18/pound          Weight: 24.38 pounds
Buyer: BP Enterprises/Bonnie and Jim Plizga


Number of Lots: 16
Average: $10.31/pound with champions; $6.88/pound without.

Grand champion exhibitor: Stacie Ritchie
Bid: $41/pound              Weight: 44.60 pounds
Buyer: Elmer and Iris Geil

Reserve champion exhibitor: Christi Crites
Bid: $20/pound              Weight: 34.80 pounds
Buyer: Ashtabula County Recorder Barbara Schaab

Best of show: Emily Buck
Bid: $14/pound              Weight: 40.20 pounds
Buyer: Meaney Farms

Reserve best of show: Tyler Beals
Bid: $7.50/pound              Weight: 41.80 pounds
Buyer: REO Trucking


Number of Lots: 6
Average: $36.17/pound with champions; $13.33/pound without.

Grand champion exhibitor/best of show: Mason Jacobs
Bid: $130/pound          Weight: 13.12 pounds
Buyer: Great Lakes Crushing

Reserve champion exhibitor: Jacob Stitt
Bid: $17/pound          Weight: 13.60 pounds
Buyer: Winding Brook Farm

Reserve best of show: Abrianna Jones
Bid: $30/pound          Weight: 13.66 pounds
Buyer: Newhart Plumbing

Auctioneers and Ringmen:
Alan Bruhenne, John Erdel, Jerry Hall, Chad Loucks and Scott Mihalic

Junior Fair Royalty:
King: Samuel Semai       Queen: Amy Varckette
Prince: Garhett Smith        Princess: Sharon Millard

* The grand and reserve champion exhibitor award is based on the exhibitor’s skillathon (40 points), showmanship (40 points) and live animal conformation (20 points). The best of show and reserve best of show titles go to the top two animals in a species.

Ashtabula bos lamb carcass

Laura Jackam’s best of show lamb carcass, with a hanging weight of 62 pounds, sold for $11 a pound to Paul and Jan Jackam.
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Ashtabula bos lamb carcass

Laura Jackam’s best of show lamb carcass, with a hanging weight of 62 pounds, sold for $11 a pound to Paul and Jan Jackam.
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Ashtabula reserve lamb

Jessica Housel, reserve champion lamb exhibitor, sold her 126-pound lamb to Cope Farm Equipment, represented by Nancy Younessi, for $6.50 a pound.
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Ashtabula grand lamb

Rebecca Jackam, the grand champion lamb exhibitor, sold her 138.5-pound best of show lamb for $12.50 a pound to Cari and Mike Ellsworth, of Ellsworth Construction.
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Ashtabula reserve goat carcass

Darrin Jones’ reserve champion goat carcass, weighing 22 pounds, sold for $17 a pound to Newhart Plumbing, represented by Jamie Newhart.
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Ashtabula grand goat carcass

Iris and Walter Geil paid $15 a pound for the grand champion goat carcass raised by Nicklas Trkula and weighing 22 pounds.
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Ashtabula reserve goat

Paige Mottley won reserve champion goat exhibitor and reserve best of show honors. Her goat weighing 53.40 pounds sold for $4.50 a pound to Austinburg Veterinary Clinic, represented by Dr. Becky Salinger and Ed Cigany.
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Ashtabula grand goat

Grand champion goat exhibitor Faith Blankenship also raised the best of show goat weighing 76.60 pounds. Owen Stone of REO Trucking paid $7 a pound for the champion.
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Ashtabula reserve rabbit

The Austinburg Veterinary Clinic, represented by Becky Salinger and Ed Cigany, paid $12.50 a pound for Rella Duck’s reserve champion pen of rabbits.
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Ashtabula grand rabbit

The grand champion meat rabbit pen, raised by Mikayla Searles, weighed 12.96 pounds and sold for $27 a pound to Common Pleas Judge Marianne Sezon and Richard Dana.
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Ashtabula reserve bos duck

Newhart Plumbing, represented by Jamie Newhart, paid $30 a pound for Abrianna Jones’ reserve best of show pen weighing 13.66 pounds.
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Ashtabula reserve duck

Jacob Stitt was the reserve champion duck exhibitor. His pen weighing 13.60 pounds sold for $17 a pound to Winding Brook Farm, represented by Eric and Barb Fuller.
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Ashtabula grand duck

The grand champion duck sold for $130 a pound to Mark Belich of Great Lakes Crushing. Mason Jacobs was the grand champion exhibitor and raised the best of show pen weighing 13.12 pounds.
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Ashtabula reserve chicken

Michael Perkins’ reserve best of show chicken pen weighing 24.38 pounds sold for $18 a pound to BP Enterprises, represented by Bonnie Plizga.
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Ashtabula grand champion dairy exhibitor

Teresa Polchin was the grand champion dairy exhibitor. She sold her cheese basket to Brandi and Cline Clute, of Shady Springs Farms, for $700.
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Ashtabula bos steer

Ashley Ray’s 1,405-pound best of show steer sold for a record $11.50 a pound to Colebrook Elevator, represented by Tom Yuhasz (left), and Ray Bros. Inc., represented by Joe, Nineth and Rachel Ray.
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Ashtabula reserve steer

Zane Neczeporenko was the reserve champion steer exhibitor and raised the reserve best of show animal. His 1,280-pound steer sold for $3.65 a pound to Mike Ellsworth Construction, represented by Trenton, Mike, and Cari Ellsworth.
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Ashtabula grand steer

Kate Cole was the grand champion steer exhibitor. Her 1,160-pound steer sold for $3.20 a pound to Petrowell Services/Petrowater Inc., represented by Brent and Donald Dietrich.
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Ashtabula reserve bos dairy beef

Mason Summers raised the reserve best of show dairy beef feeder, which sold for $1.50 a pound to Larry Springer of Springer Dairy Farm. The calf weighed 636 pounds.
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Ashtabula bos dairy beef

Tory Durkovic’s 720-pound best of show dairy beef feeder sold for $1.50 a pound to Erie Bank, represented by Dave Bogardus.
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Ashtabula reserve dairy beef

Katie Jo Hass won reserve champion exhibitor honors and sold her 690-pound dairy beef feeder calf to Buckeye Builders, represented by Gary Thompson for $1.50 a pound.
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Ashtabula grand dairy beef

The grand champion dairy beef feeder exhibitor, Katie Eldred, sold her 548-pound calf to Smokin’ T’s Smokehouse, represented by Todd and Zane Neczeporenko, for $2 a pound.
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Ashtabula reserve hog carcass

The reserve best of show hog carcass, weighing 178 pounds, sold for $4.50 to Kassay Greenhouse, represented by Jessica and David Kassay. Trenton Ellsworth raised the champion.
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Ashtabula grand hog carcass

Nick Edelman’s best of show hog carcass, with a hanging weight of 145 pounds, sold for $3.75 a pound to Walter and Michal Barnes.
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Ashtabula reserve hog

Ellsworth Construction, represented by Mike, Cari, Taylor and Trenton Ellsworth, paid $7 a pound for Brandon Oeffner’s reserve best of show hog weighing 261 pounds.
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Ashtabula grand hog

Montana Szuhay’s 259-pound best of show hog sold for $6.75 a pound to Bortnick Farms, represented by Don Bortnick and Georgia Hofka.
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Ashtabula reserve lamb carcass

Mckenzie Brown sold her reserve best of show lamb carcass, weighing 57 pounds, sold for $12.50 to Jim Allega.
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Ashtabula reserve BOS turkey

The reserve best of show turkey, weighing 41.80 pounds, sold for $7.50 a pound to REO Trucking, represented by Owen Stone and Addilynn Stone. Tyler Beals raised the champion.
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Ashtabula BOS turkey

The 40.20-pound best of show turkey, raised by Emily Buck, sold for $14 a pound to Meaney Farms, represented by Brad and Alyssa Meaney.
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Ashtabula reserve turkey exhibitor

The reserve champion turkey exhibitor, Christi Crites, sold her 34.80-pound turkey to Ashtabula County Recorder Barbara Schaab for $20 a pound.
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Ashtabula grand turkey exhibitor

Stacie Ritchie, the grand champion turkey exhibitor, sold her turkey weighing 44.6 pounds for $41 a pound to Iris and Elmer Geil.
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Ashtabula grand dairy goat

Colleen Darby, the grand champion dairy goat exhibitor, sold her champion cheese basket to Walter and Michal Barnes for $210.
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Ashtabula grand cheese

Teresa Polchin was the grand champion dairy exhibitor. She sold her cheese basket to Brandi and Cline Clute, of Shady Springs Farms, for $700.
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Ashtabula reserve bos lamb

John Jackam’s reserve best of show lamb, weighing 135.5 pounds, sold for $7.50 a pound to Smokin’ T’s Smokehouse, represented by Jana, Todd, Alaina and Zane Neczeporenko.
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Ashtabula grand chicken

Edison Cigany, the grand champion chicken exhibitor, raised the best of show pen of four chickens weighing a total of 27.68 pounds. The pen sold for $21 a pound to Patterson Veterinary Clinic, represented by Chris Contenza.
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Ashtabula grand turkey exhibitor

Stacie Ritchie, the grand champion turkey exhibitor, sold her turkey weighing 44.6 pounds for $41 a pound to Iris and Elmer Geil.

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