Highboy is top-selling item


BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, Ohio – A mahogany Chippendale bonnet-top highboy was the top-selling item, bringing $4,500, at an auction by Nick Verbus and Mike Dinse at St. Michael’s Woodside Hall, Broadview Heights, Ohio.

Other items sold included leaded glass windows for $400 and $185; a walnut-based fire screen for $325; a Roseville Futura wall pocket, $300; chifforobe, $300; a walnut depression-style bedroom set, $295; an oak icebox, $275; three-piece Deco bedroom set, $165.

A six-legged table sold for $170; a pair of cherry and oak fireplace mantels, $350; mahogany drop-leaf desk with chair, $150; two-drawer spool cabinet, $145; cottage-style washstand, $165; sterling holder with cobalt blue salt and pepper shakers, $125; a concrete statue, $140; a Staffordshire flow blue plate, $75; a jointed sterling silver fish, $160; a Roseville Bittersweet vase, $115.