KINSMAN, Ohio — The Kinsman Kids 4-H club held its Christmas party during the Dec. 3 meeting. There was a carry-in dinner with the club providing chicken as the main dish.
Michael Miller and Courtney Hubbard helped organize bringing toys for needy children in the area for the holiday season. The club meets the first Sunday of the month at the Trumbull county extension office.
BRISTOLVILLE, Ohio — The Trumbull Dairy Feeders 4-H Club held a meeting on Dec. 4. During the meeting they elected club officers. Daniel Montgomery will hold the seat of president for the coming year. Other officers are vice-president Shannon Montgomery, secretary Laura Bond, treasurer Jason Lipps, news reporter Brent Ayers, health officer Jenna Lipps, and safety officer Ashley Wilson.
BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen 4-H club had a meeting Nov. 30. Members received certificates and pins for their years in 4-H.
The club received a certificate of appreciation for participating in the Hare Raisers Food-A-Thon for the Geauga Hunger Task Force.
Christmas cards were sent to buyers and cheese companies for donating to the dairy baskets this year. Members reviewed the club by-laws and constitution and agreed that no changes were needed.
The club was updated on the Jr. Fair Sales Committee, the resale of projects will be done in the rings, no resale board will be used in 2012.
The club voted for the following 2011-2012 officers: president-Rachel Shrock, vice-president-Dakota Ward, secretary-Becca Klein, treasurer-Devon Brezo, news reporter-Tony Brezo, safety officer-Max Retych, health officer-Jordyn Brezo.